Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Day 31:

Tomorrow will begin the day that I start a new challenge for my life. With my 30 day countdown I will try to become, not only a woman in love with her fiance, but a woman in love with God; excited about what He has next for me. The most challeging things I have learned while being engaged for three months are as follows:

1. How do I even have a "relationship" with God when I am so busy?
2. If I take the time to have a relationship with Him I will either A.)never shower 3.never sleep or D. Forget to put on at least one significant article of clothing in the morning due to a lack of sleep.
3. How can God make one of the most important times in my life so hard to balance?
4. Why am I making wedding plans during church? That really helps my closeness to Him

I am sure there are a lot more questions that have gone through my head and that I will probably forget about say hmmm 31 days from now. But this will be the documentation of that journey.......

1 comment:

  1. Kelly, I love your blog and I also love your honesty about trying to balance life and God. One of the things I learned a long time ago is that God should never be the one you are trying to balance. He doesn`t mind if you talk to Him in the car, take your bible to lunch and read a few verses while eating. He easily goes anywhere with you and wants to be involved in what you are doing. Put in some praise songs and have a personal worship time on your way home. Having a relationship with God can be exciting and fun. The most important thing is your desire to be obedient to Him, because He has a plan for you and you don`t want to miss out on it. I will be praying for you.
