Thursday, May 19, 2011


      Since I graduated from college I have been on a constant, determined search for the purpose of my life. What am I supposed to be doing? Where am I supposed to do it?
    I don't want to wish everyday away because there is no happiness in what I am doing. I don't want to dread everyday because my work is miserable.
    Little did I know I would still be on this search years later. Here is the real question for me: Am I supposed to find contentment in what I am doing, even though I hate it, or am I supposed to keep searching hoping that God will show me where I am supposed to be eventually?
     Some people are fine and content doing whatever, but I don't think I will ever be that way. I will always be gazing out the window, looking at the world, wondering what I am really supposed to be doing. It just would not sit right with me, and I would never feel happy. But is that wrong since I am supposed to be content?

1 comment:

  1. Melly :)
    I have recently been dealing with this exact same thing to the T! And I finally had to become content with where I was and what I was doing because I knew God had called me here for a reason even if I didn't see it and quite frankly did like it. I felt like I was wasting away! Once I became content and gave what I was doing to God, knowing He knew me better than I know myself, He blew me away with blessing me! Not saying God will work the same way with everyone! But literally two weeks after I hard core wrestled through this God opened a door for a job/ministry opportunity that is more perfect than I could have ever imagined before!

    God does has something specific, special, and huge for you!! Never stop seeking that! But in your seeking be content with where He has you for this short time :) I love you more than you know and miss your perfect hugs!!! Praying for you Melly!!

