Friday, May 13, 2011


Some times, well actually, a lot of times, when I thought about marriage, I thought about it as the end of a fun, carefree life. The end of adventure, and freedom, and independence. The end of life as I knew it.  Isn't marriage often perceived as the end of all things extraordinary and the beginning of all things....well.......boring?
 But now that I am on the threshold of taking this life-altering step, I am beginning to reconsider my preconceived notions.  While it may be the end of life as I know it, I am increasingly confident that it is also the beginning of a better one because, now, instead of doing everything I have dreamed of doing, alone....I get to do it with my best friend!
Henry David Thoreau said, "Pursue some path, however narrow and crooked, in which you can walk with love and reverence."  Since we both have lived our lives with a flair for the spontaneous, our “common” path is virtually guaranteed to be crooked, or to go up mountains, or through rivers, and whatever other obstacles that may be thrown in for good measure; definitely not the path of least resistance. But I know it will be an exciting life, spent with the only person I would want to spend it with.
I confess I am nervous about getting married when I think about all its pros and cons.  Becoming completely vulnerable to another human being is not something I am entirely comfortable with, at least not at this point in time.  But I am already completely vulnerable to Someone else. He doesn't love me less or condemn me because of my imperfections, and I never have to fear that He will. He only wants to help me with them, to improve the kind of person I am.
Ultimately, He wants to make me a better person.
That's how I believe marriage should be too, and how I hope my marriage will be.  Always challenging and pushing each other; making each other better people. And with all of our future adventures, may we "walk in love and reverence" for each other, no matter how narrow or crooked the path may be.

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