Wednesday, July 20, 2011


     To my future daughter....if I have one in the FAR FAR away future (the likelihood of this when looking at the track record of the Brindley men being very slim), may you be more absorbed with the kind of person God made you than the kind of person society wishes you to be. May you be enveloped in self-confidence and blanketed in the strongest faith. Though I do not understand, as most women don't, why we are the way we are and why we think the way we think, may you overcome it. May you not be consumed with your outward appearance, but always desire to improve the inward.
And until then I will continue to ask myself:
     Why did God make us so vulnerable to the world around us? And why do people feel free to target our vulerability? They use it for marketing tools, advertising gimics, even in the political arena.
   Victoria's Secret, why are you putting in my husband's head that I am supposed to look like one of your models all the time....for the rest of my life?! Skinny jeans, how am I supposed to fit into you when I am bloated, and what about when I have a baby?! CoverGirl, why are my zits not still covered when I wake up in the morning?! Extreme diets and exercise plans why are your promises of results always a tall tale?!
      Well.......I don't think they care. I think they just want to SELL, SELL, SELL. While we, the poor, pathetic, self-conscious consumer has to BUY, BUY, BUY; despite the lack of satisfaction and the absense of results that we inherit from our purchases
     Today marks the beginning of beautifying the inside. Of healing my heart, and freeing my mind, of taking my focus off of myself, of feeling beautiful everyday (even without makeup), of being ME.

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